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Men play Tuesdays - Ladies Play Thursdays

League Rules 2016 Season

(as per the rules list given to teams, *Rule 11 updated 21/5/16)

  1. All cash to be paid out in trophies & prizes. A small balance will be carried forward to start the new season.

  2. The league will be governed by B.D.O. rules and must be adhered to at all time.

  3. The committee shall sit twice during each half unless there is any protest or complaint then the B.D.O. rules make their Decision.

  4. All captains, vice captains, secretaries & vice secretaries names to be forwarded to the divisional secretary at the beginning of the season.

  5. There is no limit to the amount of players that can be register for a team throughout the season but names must be given to the division secretary in writing - players can be registered on the back of the result sheets on the night.

  6. The matches will consist of 4 games of three legs of 501 two games of pairs 501 for the ladies - the best of three legs 501 two games of pairs for the men.

  7. A draw must always be made before each game to determine the order of play.

  8. The order of play will be nearest the bull at the beginning of each match to determine who plays the first & third games in each match.

  9. Men's games to be played on Tuesday night. Ladies games to be played on Thursday night. Games to commence by 8:30pm.

  10. All StarDarts matches are to be played on the specified night according to the published fixtures list. No amendments to this list or rearrangement of any matches permitted, unless under extreme circumstances. They must telephone Divisional secretary. The penalty for any team cancelling a game without prior permission is £10.00. Failure to pay this fine will result in the team being disqualified from the league.

  11. The captain for each team will be responsible for sending in the result sheets and monies owed to the league and should be delivered to the *POW Bognor, stating "Star Darts, Mens or Ladies league, week number or match date, and your team name".

  12. Players may change teams during the first half of the season and their averages will be transferred to their team. All transfers to be accompanied with £2.00.

  13. The team registration fee shall be £25.00 per team for the year and include £5.00 to be sent with each result sheet. Team Secretary's will pay the registration at the AGM and will receive a receipt.

  14. Ladies result sheet must be in by the Monday following each match.

  15. Men's result sheet must be in by the Friday following each match.

  16. Result sheets not received by the specified days will result in the team being fined £2.00.

  17. Averages will be calculated on all individual wins only.

  18. All committee members to be re-elected by vote at the AGM.

  19. The Captains & Secretary's matches (501 best of 3 ladies & mens) can be played at either the beginning or end of the evening. Only names forwarded to the divisional Secretary at the beginning of the season will be eligible to play and cannot be changed at any time during the season see rule 27. They may still play in the individual & pair games.

  20. All knockout fees must accompany entries, otherwise they will not be accepted. Entries must come from the team secretary and sent to the divisional secretary before the closing date on the fixtures list.

  21. Ladies averages will be 50per throw for two legs.

  22. Mens averages will be 66per throw for two legs.

  23. The dartboard shall be to the centre of the bull 5ft 8ins, the distance for the throw shall be 7ft 9¼ins.

  24. When a team has only three players each player will play one leg against the fourth player of the other team to gain averages. However all points for those three legs go to the fourth players.

  25. The Committee has the right to fine any team that is found to be cheating or deviating from the rules, and such teams can be banned from the league.

  26. The Committee has the power to deal with any contingencies that are not provided for in the rules of the league.

  27. A vice-captain/secretary may be appointed at the beginning of the season. They will be able to play the captain/secretary's game if the captain/secretary permanently leaves the team. They will not however be entitled to their predecessors points.

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