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Season 2003-2004 | Season 2004-2005 | Season 2005-2006 | Season 2006-2007 |

Season 2007-2008 | Season 2008-2009 | Season 2009-2010 | Season 2010-2011 |

Season 2011-2012 | Season 2012-2013 | Season 2013-2014 | Season 2014-2015 |

Season 2015-2016 | Season 2016-2017 | Season 2017-2018 | Season 2018-2019 |

Season 2019-2020 | Season 2021-2022 | Season 2022-2023 | Season 2023-2024

Formerly, the 'Bognor Regis & Chichester, Old Folks Darts League'
'Founded by S. Moth - 1957'

2017 celebrated 60 years of the Benevolent Darts League, Formerly the 'Bognor Regis & Chichester, Old Folks Darts League', Founded by S. Moth - 1957

2022-2023 Season


Rob Allen


Mazz Tupper


Emma Hackett

Results Secretary:

Ian Hackett

Committee Members:

Karl Wingate, Debbie Ling

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