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    NOTE: There were 5 more legs in week 17 that scored either 'less' or 'more' than 501. In total, there have been 49 winning legs scoring less than 501, 23 winning legs scoring more than 501, & 10 losing legs scoring exactly 501 or more so far this season (according to the result sheets).

    Please make sure that all of you are checking the Chalkers & Checkers for incorrect calculations on the scoreboard, and to the Sheet Scorers, please make sure you write ALL the scores down while the games are in progress, even if they are No Scores. Thank you.

    If you wish to find out how many mistakes your team has made during the season, please email feedback@bognor-darts.co.uk

  • On Week 16 James Greenfield (Richmond 'A') scored 601 in his 2nd winning leg against Ken Richards (White Horse 'B').

  • On Week 14 Rob Tite (Berkeley Arms) was whitewashed in his first leg, by James West (Richmond 'B') in 26 darts.

  • Simon Wood (Richmond 'A') now has the most Ton+ In Shots with 7. Chris Gatford (Barnham Bridge) & Dave Read (Richmond 'A') are hot on his heels with 6, and Rick Cousins (Richmond 'B') & Paul Crockford (Berkeley Arms) are next in line with 5 each.

  • On Week 13 G Keen (Felpham Club) was whitewashed in his second leg, in a 17 dart leg by Simon Wood (Richmond 'A').

  • On Week 13 Steve Dobbs (Richmond 'A') won his game against Rob Palmer (Felpham Club) in 2 legs. In the first leg, Steve scored 521 in 43 darts, and in the second leg he scored 471 in 36 darts.

  • Despite scoring 400 points in the first 3 throws (120 In, 140, 140) during the second leg, Paul Woolacott (Whitehorse 'A') lost his game against Chris Gatford (Barnham Bridge) in 2 legs.

  • On Week 12 Tony Phillips (Bersted Tavern 'B') won his game against Mick Isles (Prince of Wales) 2-1. Tony won the first and third legs, but lost the second leg despite a start of 120 & a score of 180.

  • On Week 12 the Richmond 'A' team Lost their first match of the season against the Richmond 'B'. 39 Tons were exchanged between the teams during the singles matches.

  • On Week 11 Neil Quinn (Barnham Bridge) was whitewashed by Ian Hackett (Prince of Wales) in their postponed week 2 match. Ian scored 100 In & 117 Out in 21 darts, making Ian only the third player win a leg with a ton plus start & finish. Ian then went on to lose the next 2 legs in 33 & 30 darts.

  • Ian Hackett (Prince of Wales) is the only player so far this season to have shot out on a ton plus more than once. He has scored 117 & 104.

  • Both Pat Cook & Andy Cook (Barnham Bridge) were whitewashed during their postponed week 1 match against the Richmond 'A'. Dave Read beat Pat in 23 darts & Lee Gladman beat Andy in 21 darts. Andy was nearly whitewashed again by Lee in their week 10 match, but managed to score 37 with his last 2 throws before Lee shot out in 20 darts.

  • On Week 10 Paul Isles (Prince of Wales) was whitewashed in his first leg by Peter Butcher (Felpham Club) in 33 darts.

  • Dave Read (Richmond 'A') now has the most Ton+ in shots. He has scored 122, 120, 120, 120, 105 & 100 so far this season.
    Rick Cousins (Richmond 'B'), Simon Wood (Richmond 'A') & Chris Gatford (Barnham Bridge) are next in line with four.

  • On Week 10 Tony Phillips (Bersted Tavern 'B') scored 401 in his 2nd winning leg against Andy Bennett Hamilton (Berkeley Arms).

  • On Week 10 Steve Dobbs (Richmond 'A') won his last leg against Neil Quinn (Barnham Bridge) in 30 darts, scoring 581 points.

  • On Week 9 James Greenfield (Richmond 'A') achieved the fourth whitewash leg against Karen Tite (Berkeley Arms) in 14 darts.

  • Only 2 players so far this season have played legs that have started AND finished with 100 or more. These players are Paula Duckett (Richmond 'B') [100 start, 120 finish] & Simon Wood (Richmond 'A') [100 start, 105 finish].

  • Rick Cousins (Richmond 'B') & Dave Read (Richmond 'A') share the most Ton+ in shots. Rick has scored 120, 108, 105 & 102, and Dave has scored 122, 120, 120 & 100 so far this season.
    Rob Tite (Berkeley Arms), Simon Wood (Richmond 'A') & Roger Hackett (Prince of Wales) are next in line with three. Rob has scored 120, 105 & 101, Simon has scored 120, 101 & 100 and Roger has scored 120, 112 & 112.

  • On Week 8 James West (Richmond 'B') missed achieving the third whitewash leg against Steve Taylor (Prince of Wales) by taking 8 more throws to hit the double after reaching it.

  • On Week 8 A Cook (Barnham Bridge) did achieve the third whitewash leg against Rob Tite (Berkeley Arms) in 32 darts.

  • On week 7 Roger Hackett (Prince of Wales) achieved the second whitewash leg against Tony Tite (Berkeley Arms) in 36 darts.

  • On week 7 Rick Cousins (Richmond 'B') nearly whitewashed Sam Abrehart (White Horse 'A') in an 18 dart leg, but Sam managed to get in on throw 5.

  • Ken Richards (White Horse 'B') won a leg scoring only 402 (according to the result sheets) on week 7.

  • On Week 6 Paul Woolacott (White Horse 'A') achieved the first Whitewash leg against Norman Evans (Felpham Club) in 21 darts.

  • The first Winning leg to only score 401 was by Rob Palmer (Felpham Club) on Week 6.

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